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The 1st Workshop on Virtual Machine Introspection and its Application

23 October 2023
In conjunction with
The 29th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles

About the Workshop

Virtual machine introspection (VMI) is a powerful technique for many purposes such as intrusion detection, malware analysis, debugging, and digital forensics. Even with a lot of evolution in this field in the past years, there are still many open issues regarding the right abstractions, the performance impact, the semantic gap problem in face of malicious attackers, the role and applicability of VMI in face of new hardware features such as secure enclaves and memory encryption, as well as fundamental limitations and suitable application domains.

This workshop will provide a forum for discussing recent advancements and trends in VMI and for exploring opportunities for future research. The workshop aims to bring together researchers working on VMI support in hypervisors, VMI libraries, VMI applications, and the SOSP community.

Call for Papers

Background, aim, and scope

Virtual Machine Introspection (VMI) is a rapidly evolving field that has gained significant attention from researchers and industry practitioners in recent years, with broad applications in areas such as intrusion detection, malware analysis, debugging, and digital forensics. Specifically, the workshop solicits research papers exploring topics such as hypervisor support for VMI, architectures and abstractions for VMI, evaluating and minimizing the overhead of VMI, bridging the semantic gap of VMI, and the use of machine learning for understanding a target system. We will also discuss the application areas of VMI, including deployment of VMI in the cloud, VMI targeting embedded systems and IoT devices, the intersection of VMI with other fields, as well as privacy issues related to VMI. By bringing together researchers, practitioners, and kernel developers, this workshop will provide an opportunity to explore cutting-edge techniques and emerging applications in VMI, and to engage in a meaningful dialogue about the state of the art in this important area.

Submission Guidelines

The workshop solicits two types of submissions: regular workshop papers max. 6 pages) that will be published in the ACM Digital Library, and shorter work-in-progress papers (max. 2 pages) that focus on visionary ideas, speculative breakthroughs, novel challenges, and preliminary studies, without formal publication.

Important dates

Submmission site:

Workshop Organizers


Hans P. Reiser - hansr(_at_)